
Sculptra® Aesthetic injections at Skin Boss will allow you to add volume back to your face or bottom with no down time. It is an in-office procedure that stimulates your own collagen production.

Adds Volume and Firmness
Fuller, Smoother Look

What Is Sculptra® Aesthetic Treatment?

Sculptra® Aesthetic is an injectable cosmetic filler that can be used to restore volume loss due to aging. It contains poly-L lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible synthetic substance that stimulates collagen production. This product is irreversible and will last 2-3 years. It generally requires multiple treatments and is not immediately noticeable, but will give you a very natural, long-lasting look.

Sculptra® Aesthetic Treatment Process

After consultation and assessment, photos are taken, and the target area is washed and marked with a pencil. Sculptra® Aesthetic is a biostimulator and is administered via cannula in the deep dermis. This is where the collagen is stimulated. This procedure can be slightly uncomfortable but is completed in a short amount of time. Small bandages are applied after treatment and the area is massaged by the consultant. The patient is given post instructions to massage the area at home 5 times a day for 5 minutes for 5 days. Follow up is in 6 weeks, with most likely 3 sessions or more needed for best results.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Common side effects include injection site reactions such as bruising, pain, and redness. More rare reactions are bumps and nodules, however there are ways to reduce this risk which will be discussed at your Skin Boss consultation prior to the procedure.

Sculptra® Aesthetic Benefits

A Sculptra® Aesthetic butt lift at Skin Boss is ideal for the patient who desires more volume and firmness without the down time. When Skin Boss can stimulate your own collagen, it leaves your bottom smoother, fuller and can add lift. This minimally invasive procedure takes only minutes and you are able to go back to work, the gym, or your normal daily routine.

Who Should Try Sculptra® Aesthetic?

Sculptra® Aesthetic is great for the healthy, active patient who hasn’t been able to achieve the look they want at the gym and are too busy to afford the down time of a surgical procedure.

Why Skin Boss?

At Skin Boss, your complete and comprehensive plan will be devised between you and your expert Injector. Whether your goal is to add subtle volume for a natural look, or if you want a little more curve to your bottom, we can help you achieve your desired look.