MicroPen EVO™ Microneedling
The Eclipse MicroPen EVO™ is a microneedling device that is FDA approved as a safe and effective method of collagen induction therapy, or CIT. It is an easy treatment for patients to undergo, with basically no down time. Microneedling has always been considered a gold standard in collagen building, which can help in repairing acne scarring and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
What Is MicroPen EVO™ Microneedling?
MicroPen EVO microneedling is a medical grade, FDA cleared microneedling device that creates tiny injuries to the skin. The skin will remodel due to these injuries. With the initial inflammatory response, your immune system disinfects the wounds, removes debris, increases blood flow and creates new tissue. The wounds are rebuilt with new dermal tissue and a new network of blood vessels develop. The skin has a healthy glow and appears rejuvenated after just one treatment. MicroPen EVO microneedling treatments are a tool in making new collagen, which we make less of as we age. With a series of three treatments spaced one month apart, we can reverse signs of aging, as well as improve the appearance of acne scarring, scars, and stretch marks. Microneedling is very popular because it does not create much down time. Patients might be red after the treatment for a few hours, but can generally resume a normal social life the next day. Microneedling can be done on many areas of the body, but is most popular on the face, neck and chest. One of the most amazing added benefits to microneedling the skin, is how it allows products to penetrate much more than when applied normally. Serums can be applied during needling and after, and using the patients own Platelet Rich Plasma (or PRP) has become increasingly popular with microneedling.
Microneedling MicroPen EVO™ Process?
Prior to the MicroPen EVO microneedling treatment, numbing cream is applied. The treatment takes less than 30 minutes to perform and there is only mild discomfort. After the treatment, there may be redness and the skin can feel inflamed or warm. This generally resolves over a few hours and by the next day the skin has calmed and makeup can be applied. Over the next few days post treatment, you could feel a sandpapery texture to your skin from the micro injuries that are healing. Use only the recommended post care products during the healing time. As always, proper communication pre and post treatment are essential to successful treatment.
Potential Risks And Side Effects
There are few risks with the MicroPen EVO microneedling treatment. Prior to the treatment, it is generally recommended to take an antihistamine to reduce the skin’s histamine response, and possibly take an antiviral if patients are prone to cold sores. The risk of there being an adverse reaction is low, but these preventative measures are helpful to avoid complications. Your SkinBoss expert will communicate all pre and post care instructions to ensure the best results.
MicroPen EVO™ Benefits
The primary benefit to MicroPen EVO microneedling is collagen induction, which can help repair acne scars and assist in anti-aging. Issues on the body like stretch marks or scars can be improved by collagen induction therapy as well. Another benefit of microneedling is product absorption. For example, using brightening serums with a needling session can help reduce the appearance of sun damage and melasma.
Who Should Try MicroPen EVO™ Microneedling?
The beauty of microneedling is that it is truly an amazing treatment for everyone. All skin types and most skin conditions can benefit from microneedling in many ways. It is a treatment that can be started in the younger years to prevent the signs of aging.
Why Skin Boss?
The skin experts here at Skin Boss have extensive experience in microneedling on various platforms. With our experience and knowledge you will receive the best microneedling treatments and the best protocol for your skin. We are here to offer the most safe and effective treatments to reach your skin care goals.